Humanism is...

Humanism is a simple philosophy of life and ethics based on a concern for humanity and the natural world. Humanists believe in the adage – ‘do as you would be done by’ and look to reason and evidence to understand the universe. 

Humanism is a non-religious world view and accepts evolution as the biological origin of all humans. Humanists do not believe in any gods or goddesses, pixies, astrology and yes...even leprechauns.

It means accepting responsibility for our own lives while recognising our responsibility to the world around us.

Science and Evidence are the best way to resolve pandemics, excessive global warming, melting ice, rising sea-levels, flooding and wildfires.


Humanist Ceremonies

You may chose a humanist ceremony as a non-religious ceremony because it aligns with your values and beliefs and it means you will  able to build the ceremony you want.

It also means the ceremony is entirely personal, tailor made, to you.

It allows you to be true to yourselves while including everyone present and respecting the values and traditions of your families.